+39 080 214 76 89

Oil & gas
Petrochemical industry is a very complex and multifaceted world. Compared to other engineering fields, it requires specific knowledge and focused training, especially regard to international regulatory aspects and major oil companies’ specs.
Thanks to strong knowledge regarding industry processes and regulations, we act as a trusted subcontractor, able to manage different customer needs relating study and design of plant equipment, starting from P&IDs and customer specifications, ranging from technical documents analysis to job order activities planning, from drafting bills of materials to making 3D assemblies and related executives.
Ongoing mentoring and effective technical support are elements that set us apart. We offer a partnership able to cover everything related to the life of pressure equipment in our expertise areas, and if client would require to do equipment basic design, we have a strong network of external consulting services that ca help.

Ludwig Boltzmann
“Available energy is the main object at stake in the struggle for existence and the evolution of the world”